
Facts & Statistics

Date of Zionist Occupation 22 October 1948
Location 25 km Northwest of Hebron | 35 km Southwest of Jerusalem
Coordinates 31°39′48.30″N 34°51′38.25″E
Area 17 Sq.Km (17،195 Dunum)
Elevation 200 Meter
1596 220
1922 693
1931 726
1945 960
1948 1369
2024 21,000 (Estimate 2024 based on a 3.7% Average Annual Growth Rate )

1931 181
1948 341
Land Usage as of 1945 in Km
Populated Land 0.063
Olives Farmland 0.56
Grains Farmland 15.058
Roads & Valleys 0.009
Unsuastainable Land 1.105
Neighbouring Towns Ra’ana, Kudna, Zaita, Barqousya, and Deir Al Dubban
Operation Operation Yoav (also called Operation Ten Plagues or Operation Yo'av) Wiki
    The occupation of the coast and the expulsion of Egyptian forces between Isdoud, Hamama, Al-Majdal, Beersheba, Thikrin, Beit Jibrin, Beit Tima, Kawkaba, Harbaya, Al-Qubayba and Al-Dawayma.
    “Yoav” is the name of the operation carried out by the Zionist gangs to occupy the village. As a result of this operation, dozens of people were killed and wounded among the townspeople, and the rest of them were displaced and dispersed. This operation was one of the first Zionist operations in the land of Hebron, after which they headed south and east in Hebron and carried out the Al-Dawayima massacre Days after the fall of Thikrin.