
قرية ذِكْرِين – فلسطين

ذِكْرِين | زكرين | ذِكْرِين البَرَدان | زهر البساتين | خربة بيت ذكرين | بيت زكرايا | كفار ديكرينا | זיכרין


Thikrin (A town in Palestine)

Thikrin | Thekrin | Thekreen | Dikrin | Dhikrin | Dhikreen | Zikrin | Horbat Bet Dikhrin | Khirbat Zikrin | Beit Zikraya | Kefar Dikrina | Kfar Dikhriya


This site is about the village of
“Thikrin” or Zikrin (Arabic: ذكرين‎).
A Palestinian village in the Hebron Sub-district occupied and depopulated by the Zionists in the 1948 Palestinian exodus.
Thikrin is located about 25 kilometers northwest of the city of Hebron, and 34 Kilometer southwest of Jerusalem, Palestine.
Dedicated to Palestine and the People of Palestine.
To Thikrin and the People of Thikrin.


To my children: Yezan, Mousa, Halimah, and Yasmin, who were born and raised in the United States, and have never set foot in Palestine, yet.


For Contributions or comments: Contact us

Here We Stand

Like a thousand impossibles!
In Lidd, Ramla, and Jinin
Here we stand, like a rock on your chest
Starved, Barefoot, but Defiant
We sing songs
We crowd the raging roads with demonstrations
We reproduce
Raising a Revolting Generation
after Generation!
Play Video

The story of the Zionist Occupation

As real as it gets

Al-Taghreeba al-Falasteeniyya: A Documentary Dramedy
لا تَسلْ عن سلامتِهْ
روحه فوق راحتِهْ
بدَّلَتْهُ همومُهُ
كفناً من وسادِتهْ


هو بالباب واقفُ
والرَّدى منه خائفُ
فاهدأي يا عواصفُ
خجلاً مِن جراءتِهْ

Population of Thikrin

Year 1569
Sep 1948
Oct 1948
Estimate 2024 in Exile
1369 k+

كتاب ذاكرة وطن

هنا باقون

من كتاب بلادنا فلسطين

من كتاب لكي لا ننسى

من سيرة أجيال الخيام

وداعاً يا ذكرين

خريطة مفصّلة لفلسطين

This Is Palestine

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